It was only yesterday that I was reflecting back on how I set my price for my services and one of the key lessons that I learnt came back to me.
The lesson was about personal value.
This blog is going to be predominantly for entrepreneurs that are struggling in their business or personal life to turn the positive into greatness, turn the negative into fun, turn the fun into a life long passion.
So personal value, what is it and why the hell does it have anything to do with business?
Well first of all one of the biggest tendencies for business owners and individuals to do is to look at the market or look at other people to set their value in life. And this can be a deadly strategy.
Why? Because as soon as the market shifts or someones perspective of us shifts- particularly someone intimately close to us, our self esteem hits rock bottom.
So a key question I want you to ask yourself right now is- Who defines YOUR value?
Is it your wife or husband?
Is it your kids?
Is it even your parents?
IS it YOU?
You see when we grow up we do look for others to define our value and that is perfectly natural. We do good and then our parents praise us. Yet, we do the same good dead and we no longer get praised for that task anymore, so we need to find new things to do to impress others. Eventually we run out of things or people stop giving us affirmation of our value.
It is then in our teenage to early adult years that we start determining our own value.
Yet sometimes we forget to do so and we still rely on external validation for our self worth.
Have you fallen into the trap? If you have ever been depressed then I am afraid you have fallen into the trap and not known it.
In business it plays out in price wars. In marriages it plays out in co-dependence and looking to others for our own happiness.
So here are 4 tips for maintaining your own value in your own eyes-
1. Keep a self acknowledgment diary-
Write down what you did well each day and give yourself credit where credit is due.
2. Don't look at the market to set your prices-
Build up your perceived value and Bask in the Glory of what you and only you can offer the market.
3. Share you knowledge to people that are interested in what you know.
Stop holding yourself back. Share and give from your heart and experience the joy of giving.
4. Start to acknowledge the magnificence of others and build up the value you see in others.
What you do for others is always a reflection of what you do for yourself so start sharing the joy that you feel inside because you are a great person.
Remember it is only what you think of yourself that truly matters. It is only you that can love you like no other. It is only yourself that you can rely on to shape your reality the way you want it.
For further tips and insights on personal & life management keep watching this blog.
Marc Miles
Inner Potential Management!
Make your Potential a Reality today!