So what are you most scared of? What fear is bugging the hell out of you right now?
You see that fear, that one fear that is holding you back in life, above all others is the one that is the doorway to your growth and success-
You see through this doorway is awaiting you, the new you.
The biggest reason we ever have fears is that we are scared to lose our identity.
As people we get very attached to the our 'identity suit' that we are wearing. What would happen if we lost who we were and we no longer thought the same thoughts or acted the same way, then who would we be?
Fear is that faint line that is in the ground that divides the us in the NOW and the US who is living our potential.
Once we choose to take that step, take the action and step over the line, we take on a new identity. The identity of someone who can DEAL with the situations that might arise and have the confidence to step into our power as individuals.
Your potential lies over that fear line. Are you ready to step over it and be all you can be?
Fear- How to dominate it?
Believe that your dreams are so much more important than your fears will ever be!
How do you do this- Look back in life and notice all the times that you took a chance and even after taking the leap, you landed on soft ground.
Even more than this- get clear on your dreams! Get crystal clear on what you want to make happen in your life and it will be the clarity and conviction to success that will propel you easily over the Fear line.
To dominate your fear all you need to do is out way it with clarity and focus and commitment.
Decide that you will commit, get ferousiously curious as to how other people might deal with the same issue then take action! It is the action that takes us over the line and makes that feeling dissapear. Remember the universe will not help us to succeed until we totally commit!
The other side is waiting for you, whatever the issue is, it is your God given right to step over that line and acept that whatever happens is yours to use and grow, becasue you will grow by embracing your new identity.
Stay true to your dreams, your focus and make your potential a reality today!
Marc Miles
IPM coach, here to serve and support you to greater levels of potential everyday.
The world is in your hands!