Sunday, October 23, 2011

EGO ATTACK-Are you ever a Victim?

An Ego Attack, They Happen to you More often Than you Think!

This post is going to be about something that is more prevalent than you realise and dominates our lives UNLESS we become self aware and are prepared for the evil and destruction it can cause.

This one thing is the ultimate destroyer of all succes, relationships, joy and happiness and you had better get armed and ready for it because the person that loses out to this will be the one that spirals down to the depths of discontent.

Recently I had an Ego Attack. You are probably wondering what the hell that is and it is a good thing to wonder about it becasue it is a bigger issue than you ever realised. It is a phrase I coined based on what was happening to me and where my ego mind was taking me.

We have all heard of Panic Attacks I am sure an Ego Attack would be very similiar, however for those that know or have experienced a Panic Attack it is certainly a lot more intense and an Ego Attack would certainly be a precurser to a panic attack. A Panic Attack is also usually location dependant or stimulated by a particular anchor.

An Ego Attack on your spirit, mind and body occurs when one of the needs of the Ego isn't being Met or is met to excess. Did you realise your Ego has 6 significant needs, that if not met or met too much the Ego will go into a hyper active state and take over.

So what are those 6 needs?

1. The Need To Know, NOW!

2. The Need to Look Good!

3. The Need for Drama!

4. The Need to stay the SAME!

5. The Need to Protect the mind and conditions.

6. The Need to be RIGHT!

It can be Very Very revealing when we consider how much our Ego mind controls us and creates that inner dialogue that we have based on the above needs.

So how does it relate to an Ego Attack? Well an Ego attack is basically anytime that these needs are met too much, or not met enough, our mind will go into a hyper state and start over analysing conditions, situations, people and draw conclusions to justify our decisions and thinking.

If we need to be 'Right' we will find all the reasons and justificatiosn as to why WE are right and others are wrong. The easiest way to know if you are having an Ego Attack is if your mind chatter/internal dialogue is very noisy! The noiser and more negative it is the more your Ego is going on the Attack.

Recently this happened to me when I was given a task that I thought I was definately doing what was needed to get the result. When someone highjacked the project and turned it into a disaster my Ego certainly went crazy. Yet while my Ego was on the attack, I was being blinded to the truth of Love and Pure intentions that were really at play. Both people, myself and the other person concerned wanted to create a result and had the right intentions yet, we had an Ego clash.

The Ego Attack happens to us soo often and it is the cause and the existence of the overnight Worry, Lack of Sleep, Stress, Pain in the body and all other negative consequences.

So what is the cure- BE AWARE that you are having an Ego Attack!

Notice what needs are being fed at the time for you, Notice what needs are being fed for the other person or other people. Ask yourself, do you want the positive result instead? If so get loving and logical about all things and bypass the Ego stuck in the way of getting the result.

Seek first to be aware and observe as much as you can how often your ego steps in between you and your spirit and its true loving intentions.

Our Ego isn't always bad, but does certainly get us in most pickles in life.

Love your spiritual Self and Consciously Tame your Ego. Don't let it Control you!

To Your Success,

Marc Miles.

Your IPM Coach.

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