Sunday, June 10, 2012

The real truth about OVERNIGHT SUCCESS

Hi There,

Just thought I would share something with the readers out there and I think it is something that all dreamers, entrepernuers and visionaries struggle with.

The truth is overnight success doesn't happen and it doesn't happen because you find the one thing that WORKS. Success doesn't come from a 'thing'.

Recently I read something profound in the book "Key person of influence", it mentioned that it is never the thing- eg property investing, internet marketing, stocks or any other way to make money, it isn't the THING that makes someone successful, it is the match between the THING and the right person that makes them successful. And it said that normally the people that are really successful at the THING , have been keenly studying it for 7 years prior to the 'instant success' that happens. I think this is soo true and a truthful description of all wealth and happiness creation. Beat at your craft until success becomes inevitable.

Don't keep looking to find the next 'thing' to make you successful. Fine the perfect match with something that you love, and just keep beating at your craft/passion until the world sees you as the greatest at it, then money, happiness and whatever you desire will  be yours.

Thanks for reading,
Your IPM coach,

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