Sunday, June 10, 2012

The real truth about OVERNIGHT SUCCESS

Hi There,

Just thought I would share something with the readers out there and I think it is something that all dreamers, entrepernuers and visionaries struggle with.

The truth is overnight success doesn't happen and it doesn't happen because you find the one thing that WORKS. Success doesn't come from a 'thing'.

Recently I read something profound in the book "Key person of influence", it mentioned that it is never the thing- eg property investing, internet marketing, stocks or any other way to make money, it isn't the THING that makes someone successful, it is the match between the THING and the right person that makes them successful. And it said that normally the people that are really successful at the THING , have been keenly studying it for 7 years prior to the 'instant success' that happens. I think this is soo true and a truthful description of all wealth and happiness creation. Beat at your craft until success becomes inevitable.

Don't keep looking to find the next 'thing' to make you successful. Fine the perfect match with something that you love, and just keep beating at your craft/passion until the world sees you as the greatest at it, then money, happiness and whatever you desire will  be yours.

Thanks for reading,
Your IPM coach,

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

In life you either have Results or Excuses

Watch this and remember it whenver the little voice comes up in your head and tells you you can't do something!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

EGO ATTACK-Are you ever a Victim?

An Ego Attack, They Happen to you More often Than you Think!

This post is going to be about something that is more prevalent than you realise and dominates our lives UNLESS we become self aware and are prepared for the evil and destruction it can cause.

This one thing is the ultimate destroyer of all succes, relationships, joy and happiness and you had better get armed and ready for it because the person that loses out to this will be the one that spirals down to the depths of discontent.

Recently I had an Ego Attack. You are probably wondering what the hell that is and it is a good thing to wonder about it becasue it is a bigger issue than you ever realised. It is a phrase I coined based on what was happening to me and where my ego mind was taking me.

We have all heard of Panic Attacks I am sure an Ego Attack would be very similiar, however for those that know or have experienced a Panic Attack it is certainly a lot more intense and an Ego Attack would certainly be a precurser to a panic attack. A Panic Attack is also usually location dependant or stimulated by a particular anchor.

An Ego Attack on your spirit, mind and body occurs when one of the needs of the Ego isn't being Met or is met to excess. Did you realise your Ego has 6 significant needs, that if not met or met too much the Ego will go into a hyper active state and take over.

So what are those 6 needs?

1. The Need To Know, NOW!

2. The Need to Look Good!

3. The Need for Drama!

4. The Need to stay the SAME!

5. The Need to Protect the mind and conditions.

6. The Need to be RIGHT!

It can be Very Very revealing when we consider how much our Ego mind controls us and creates that inner dialogue that we have based on the above needs.

So how does it relate to an Ego Attack? Well an Ego attack is basically anytime that these needs are met too much, or not met enough, our mind will go into a hyper state and start over analysing conditions, situations, people and draw conclusions to justify our decisions and thinking.

If we need to be 'Right' we will find all the reasons and justificatiosn as to why WE are right and others are wrong. The easiest way to know if you are having an Ego Attack is if your mind chatter/internal dialogue is very noisy! The noiser and more negative it is the more your Ego is going on the Attack.

Recently this happened to me when I was given a task that I thought I was definately doing what was needed to get the result. When someone highjacked the project and turned it into a disaster my Ego certainly went crazy. Yet while my Ego was on the attack, I was being blinded to the truth of Love and Pure intentions that were really at play. Both people, myself and the other person concerned wanted to create a result and had the right intentions yet, we had an Ego clash.

The Ego Attack happens to us soo often and it is the cause and the existence of the overnight Worry, Lack of Sleep, Stress, Pain in the body and all other negative consequences.

So what is the cure- BE AWARE that you are having an Ego Attack!

Notice what needs are being fed at the time for you, Notice what needs are being fed for the other person or other people. Ask yourself, do you want the positive result instead? If so get loving and logical about all things and bypass the Ego stuck in the way of getting the result.

Seek first to be aware and observe as much as you can how often your ego steps in between you and your spirit and its true loving intentions.

Our Ego isn't always bad, but does certainly get us in most pickles in life.

Love your spiritual Self and Consciously Tame your Ego. Don't let it Control you!

To Your Success,

Marc Miles.

Your IPM Coach.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Who am I? I am a champion

Who are YOU?

If you want to raise your game watch the above video!

You decide who you are!

No one else!

No one else decides what you are capable of!

Only belief will decide your fate and your destiny!

Who are you? You are a champion and you Will defeat your Enemies whoever they might be, inside or out.

Who are you? YOU ARE A CHAMPION.

Build your successes, write them down and build yourself up because it is your right to succeed and praise yourself for it. And do the same for others.

Your ego only Wins when you focus ONLY on you and your success. Be a champion to yourself and be a champion to others. That is the kind of person we all want around us.

Support yourself, Praise yourself and Praise others even more.
Gather your champions around you and don't let others fall to their enemies, inside or out!
No Man or Women Left behind!

Go Be a Champion!

Marc Miles,
Your IPM Coach,
To your Success!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

You attract what you THINK you deserve

You attract what you THINK you Deserve!

You attract what you think you deserve

How’s life going for you at the moment? Are you getting the results that you want in each and every area of your life?

Well it is time to wake up. Wake up to a harsh reality.

You are only getting the results in your life in accordance to what you consider yourself worthy to be.

Yes that is right. You are only receiving things in life in accordance to how highly you value yourself. You see we go through life wanting more yet attracting less. Why is that?
Simple, we only ever attract what we THINK we deserve. Yet the funny thing is our attraction ability is all hidden in the unconscious areas of the mind. We don’t even know what we really think we are worth. But in actuality we do if we simply have to look at what we currently have in our lives and know that it is a direct reflection of what we consider to be- ‘Enough’

We may walk around with our conscious mind focused on our wants and desires, yet it is our unconscious mind that is hooked into the attraction power of the universe and attracts things that are in alignment with our unconscious thoughts.

One of the biggest challenges is that we may seek a better something… but if we unconsciously don’t believe that we deserve the new and better something, we will NEVER attract it into our lives. Once we consider ourselves Worthy to receive something, it is then and only then that it appears and shows up in our lives.

So the question is, do you really consider yourself worthy of having that Ferrari or that million dollars?

You see unless you consider yourself worthy of even having it, you will never even take the first step of even asking for it. Asking for it to the universe or even asking other people for what you want.

If there is something that is not in your life right now, it isn’t there for only one reason. You don’t see it as important enough and yourself as deserving enough to have it.
Let’s examine the sentence- You Attract what you Think you deserve!

You means you the person.

Attract means bring forth to you based on your unconscious beliefs.

What You- The item or desired outcome.

Think- Think is the constraint around your perspective towards the issue. You have the ability to shape your thinking and see it as you want it. ‘Think’, because it is totally based on your beliefs about who you are.

You Deserve- What you consider yourself worthy to have.

If you look at any successful and content individual in the world, when they go for something and achieve a new level of success it is based on one core idea- They believe it is worth it and they are worthy of having the outcome.

Those who choose not to go for their dreams believe that they themselves are not worthy of obtaining them and they are only worthy of what they currently have.

On a scale on 1-10 how would you rate your results in the following areas-
Personal Relationships-
Money and Finances-

If you rated yourself anything less than a ten then first of all congratulations for your honesty. Second of all you now have an indication of how much you believe that you are worth in your own mind.

This is a harsh eye-opening exercise. However it is the truth.
If you haven’t attracted in the fulfillment that you truly desire in each of these areas it only means one thing- you don’t consider yourself worthy of having more.

Money and Finances- You don’t consider yourself worthy yet to have more riches in your life.

Relationships- If you are not satisfied with your current partner than you don’t see yourself as
deserving a better one. If you don’t have one, then unconsciously you don’t see yourself as worthy enough to have one yet. Or you are choosing consciously not to have one.

Health-If you are sick then you don’t see yourself as deserving to be well.

Career- If you are in a job that you are not absolutely passion about and paid well for, you don’t currently see yourself as being worthy of a better one.

Family-If you don’t have the family relationships that you truly desire, then you don’t see yourself worthy enough to have them and to not tolerate what you will not tolerate.

Once we do see ourselves as worthy, it is then and only then that we take the action required for the new outcome to occur.

This process can be so empowering as we realize how our perceptions or worth can be shaping our situations and it immediately places us back in control.

When we feel deserving we unconsciously take the action that creates or attracts the outcome that we are looking for. Until we can see and feel and believe ourselves to be worthy enough we will never consciously go after what we want as it would conflict with our current identity.
We know that if we want the Ferrari or Million dollars, our only job is to make ourselves worthy in our own mind and internally deserving off that outcome. As we do so we will unconsciously find the evidence to back up why we ‘should’ have that item and the universe will provide us with opportunities to demonstrate or even ask for that item and thus we will attract it to us.

All personal development in the material world, particularly seminars and workshops have one underlying goal and intention- To Raise Your Worth, in YOUR Mind! Why? Because as every single person in personal development leadership positions know, unconsciously or consciously, when an individual believes they deserve more, they will inadvertently attract it and come to expect it. This is not through an attitude of arrogance but an attitude of abundance and expectation that it is normal to have the next level of deservedness.

We may attract to us events that seem below us or inconvenient to us, yet if we are to attract better people and circumstances then we must outgrow them mentally and see ourselves deserving better.

So how do we really grow our self worth if we are ever to outgrow our discontentment or unfulfillment in life?

Before I share with you the steps to do this, let me ask you a question- if you were a parent would you aim to give your children absolutely everything you could if your resources were unlimited? Would you do whatever you could to provide for them if money was no object?

Let me assume the answer is Yes! Let me ask you the next question- Why?
Why would you believe that they deserve everything that you can give them?

Is it possible that they are deserving solely because they are your children and they are people? I have a feeling that this is how God or the Universe feels about things also. The universe around us wants us to have an attitude of ‘great expectations’ of blessings that are rightfully ours! The catch is, the universe will only dish out what you expect to receive and believe that you deserve to receive.

So knowing this let’s get moving on attracting what you truly deserve-everything and anything that you desire! Here are the 7 steps to make this happen.

1. Take an Assessment of Yourself- Do a quick self life analysis on where you are now and get sensitive about the areas that are not living up to your satisfaction and true potential. Notice an feel any gaps that are there and get ready to do something about them!

2. Know What you Stand For and Truly Desire-In order to raise our standards and worthiness we must first know what that would look like, how one would act and what one would be experiencing. Get clear on this and now you know what you are working towards.

3. Learn to Say NO!- A lot of people have trouble with this and rightfully so. We know how uncomfortable it is to hear ‘no!’ from others and the last thing that we want to do ourselves is reject another person with the word ‘NO!’. Yet a ‘No’ doesn’t have to be a drastic rude refusal. The best combination you can ever put together is – “No, thank you.” And then the magic word of “because…” When we are straight, yet respectful with people they will be respectful back to us. We must learn to say No in order to elevate our level of deservedness and lower our tolerance. By doing so, we are stating to the universe that our value is well above what we are currently experiencing and as such saying No to the continuation of what we are experiencing.

4. Learn to Ask for a little more Each Day- I am sure that you all remember Oliver Twist in the kitchen when he says- “Please Sir, Can I have some More?” Well good old Oliver believed he deserved something extra. Although he didn’t end up getting what he wanted, he did take the first step and ask. Just like him we too can practice the art of asking for a little bit more. You will not receive more unless you ask. So when you are asking for something in life, pop an extra zero on the end, upgrade that model that you are looking for, ask for that extra bonus, ask for that upgrade on the plane. It will never hurt to ask and by simply asking we are allowing the universe to provide for us through a new channel.

5. Practice Receiving Guilt Free- Similar to number four, start asking for more, but more importantly, start to feel elated about receiving. If someone gives you a compliment, you find some money on the ground or someone does something nice for you, instead of feeling guilty think instead- “Thank you so much, I received that because I deserved it!”

6. Know your Current Power Points- A warrior knows he is strong because he knows he has an arsenal of weapons and abilities. So do you. You also have an arsenal of amazing qualities, skills and strengths, yet most do not look into their weapons bag and see everything they have. The best way to build your worthiness is to take a look at the amazing skills and abilities you already have and check your self for the power that is at your fingertips that is unique to you. Once you know this you can expand on it and be proud of each skill and ability that makes up the entirety of you. Keep learning and polishing your skills and your worthiness must go up.

7. Outperform yourself- From step number 6 you know your abilities, talents and skills so going forward now each day seek to perform just a little bit better. A little bit longer, a little bit harder, faster, whatever the adjective might be. As you do start to outperform yourself and continue to ask yourself- How can I outperform my previous attempts? Your successes will build and so will your expectations of what is possible.

Your self- worth is the key driver of the potential of your success. Seek not to work on your success, but work on how you view yourself. Outperform your highest expectations and your worth will grow beyond your limitations.

As your worth grows so does the level of success that you will attract.
Connect with the true potential and pure essence of you and all your worthiness and all the success in the world is yours now.

To your Success,
Inner Potential Management Coach,
Marc Miles.

Friday, June 24, 2011

A Firewalk-The Mind Stepping Through Fear!

The Firewalk-The Walk of Fear

The Ultimate Test of Conquering your Mind!

Is it Hot? Does it hurt? Will I get burnt? Am I Fricken Crazy? Can I do it? Why am I doing this?

What am I trying to prove? What happens if..............?

These were all the questions swirling violently in my mind just before I took the first the first step!

Have you ever done a firewalk? If you have you will know the exileration and amazing breakthrough that comes from the triumph of stepping off at the end. If you haven't, it is about time you stepped through your fear!

Firewalking like anything is a test. A test of what the mind creates and what reality turns out to be. It is the greatest most amazing demonstration of how our mind and fear controls us and that by letting go and trusting, nothing can hold us back.

It was about a month ago now, I set off on my long drive up to Redland bay on the basis of an invitation from a friend to go do a 'firewalk' with this group called Satori education. Never heard of them and for me, I need to know that I am in good hands whenever I venture out of my comfort zone. But I know at the bottom of my heart and somewhere in my basic intelligence that in order to grow we need to do the opposite of the routines that we live out. So I stepped out. Stepped out of my comfort zone and drove. Put in the corordinates into my GPS and got to the retreat. Although there were alot of windey roads and moments of self doubt even before I got there. But I made it and was greeted by some friendly cool people. I relaxed a little when the 12 and 13 year old kids came bounding up saying, when do we start? When do we start walking on fire? Me on the other hand was starting to freak out as I read through the Terms and Conditions. 1. We will not take responsiblity for any burns or injuries. 2. Any death is personal responsibility. and the list continued.

The day began from 1pm and continued till the final climax at 7 pm with the walk of fear. Opps Firewalk I mean. But during the entire day non-stop we were faced with challenges, breaking an arrow with our neck, walking over glass, breaking wooden boards, bending steel rods. Mentally could I do it? Hell no! My mind was telling me before each and every activity NO!!! This is impossible you can't do it, stop stop, Don't DO IT!

Each time my mind went crazy, my mind went into protection overdrive. But something inside rose up, like a warrior spirit that said- Trust Me, It can be Done.

So each time there was new activity, I heard the mind chatter, I acknowledged it, I went blank and visualized myself doing the activity, walking over that glass, breaking that board. I quietened my mind once again and then simply let my board do the motions. Each time, I broke my mind.

I broke through the mind chatter and I broke the curse of fear that had paralysed me from doing it and going forward. What was it that allowed me to do it? Universal trust. Trust in the universe and the people around me.

So each challenge although physcially in all reality should have been harder, as I pushed through each one and slowly beat more and more of my fear, the activities got easier and easier to blast through. I had found my hidden potential and power. You to are capable of it! The momentum carried me through and it will too for you in whatever you also attempt.

As it gets closer to the final event, the big firewalk, we are building up our intensity, singing some wierd chants, dancing around in a circle, breathing in so deeply like I have never breathed before to get the oxygen pumping in all the right places (apparently it lessens the chance our feet will burn, yipee I am thinking) and as we do these rituals I am thinking, -what if ...... what if...... ahhhhhhhhh, but then I just let go again and trust the process. I look around the group and all I see are people locked in courage and faith that everything will be ok and we could do this....

We all marched outside to the fire area and sang and danced around the fire in a circle till we knew in our minds that we were READY to GO!

Was I ? Well watch the video below and find out how it ended up-

What I learnt most through this experience is that our only limit in our life that is placed on us is our own mind. Conquer it and nothing can stop you!

Now go be the best you can be and push your the mind chatter as your greatest potential is well beyond your fears!